Private Tuition Specialists Terms & Conditions
Please read each section carefully, and tick the boxes.
Thank you for enrolling your child/ren with us. We look forward to supporting them with their learning and helping
them to gain the confidence they need to overcome challenges in the classroom and with their homework. We hope your
child/ren will further develop their social skills through our multisensory teaching approach. We encourage you to speak to
other parents/carers whilst your child/ren is/are taking part in the session. It’s a great way to share experiences, learning
techniques and challenges.
Please note due to the current covid-19 restrictions which are subject to be changed at any time, we are following government guidelines and working in line with the school and will adapt accordingly.
Where possible, as much notice will be provided if there are any changes.
● Primary: English, mathematics and science (subject to location) may be combined in one session, however this will depend on the individual
● Secondary: Science, English and mathematics, one subject per session (60/90 minutes).
We use educational games during the session to support learning. These include comprehension, spelling, punctuation, reading and maths. Students will have an opportunity to play with up to two students (some games may be played individually). This multi-sensory approach to learning, provides a fun and tactile experience and helps to develop important skills and build confidence.
Students will have access to various specialist software during their session to help with their learning. Supporting activities can be added to enable your child to complete tasks prior to their session to support their understanding of the topic.
Logins are available to purchase to enable students to continue to learn at home, this is highly recommended to support our teaching approach. Extra activities and homework can be accessed digitally (logins are valid for one year / deactivated if your child withdraws). Your child can learn from anywhere, anytime. A parent account can be created to enable you to be involved in your child’s learning. We often run competitions (prizes for regular users) to encourage students to log in at home and complete additional activities.
Doodle Learning
We use Doodle English, Spell, Maths and Tables to support students (up to KS3) with their learning. A DoodleLearning login is issued to students at the start of term and is a core part of their learning programme. The software generates personalised learning programmes tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of each child and is designed to enhance teaching and learning. DoodleLearning provides daily opportunities to work on strengths and weaknesses (we recommend around 10 minutes per day) and learn new topics. Additional work can be added to support difficult areas.
Platforms: Access on-the-go via the website, iOS app or Android app.
Special offer £35.00 if purchased at time of enrolment (including enrolment fee, £60.00).
Cost includes access to all four apps, English, spell, maths and tables tables.
Standard Cost: £50.00 per student.
Ed Place
We use Ed Place to support learning from year 1 to GCSE, including support for SATs and 11+ (entrance exams). Students will have the opportunity to use the programme within their lesson as well as at home. It offers trackable and measurable progress with insights on exam readiness. It helps to identify gaps in learning and make recommendations to help your child achieve their best. Ed Place tailors the experience to your child’s level, helping them build confidence. All resources are aligned to schooling and exams.
Platforms: Access EdPlace on-the-go via the website, iOS app or Android app.
Special offer: £40.00 if purchased at time of enrolment (including enrolment fee, £65.00).
Cost includes access to all subjects, English language, English Literature, maths, and science.
Standard Cost: £55.00 per student.
Our feedback sessions / parent consultations will be held at the school. They are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of your child’s achievements, areas for improvement, and the next steps in their educational development.
By speaking with our experienced tutors, you’ll gain valuable insights into your child’s strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to further support them effectively at home.
Feedback sessions run twice during a term, you will receive a message regarding dates, times and how to book.
Feedback may also be provided online through your PTS account. Messages can be accessed through your account.
Termly feedback on your child’s progress will be available by appointment by phone/video call, you will be informed when appointments are available.
If you wish to discuss a matter in more detail, please arrange this with a member of staff, prior to the session. We are unable to guarantee a teacher will be available during the sessions as teaching is priority.
This includes a personalised learning programme including homework and software set up (for classroom use).
All bookings are charged in blocks of four sessions, payable every four weeks (on the last session of your block booking), part payment is not accepted. If your final block booking during the month of June consists of five or six weeks you will be required to make a payment for five/six sessions (to cover July).
Subjects: English, maths and science
● £60.00 block of four sessions 60 minutes (two subjects)
● £80.00 block of four sessions 75 minutes (three subjects, dependant on location)
● £90.00 block of four sessions 90 minutes (two or three subjects, dependant on location)
● £60.00 block of four sessions 60 minutes (per subject)
● £90.00 block of four sessions 90 minutes (two subjects, maths and English)
Unless your child is a year 6 or year 11 student, you will be required to make payment until the last session in July. If you wish to withdraw your child before the end of term, please let us know in June. If you withdraw your child during the month of July, you will be expected to pay until the last session of the term.
The block booking payment system (for four sessions). Payment is due every four weeks. It is your responsibility to check when payment is due. The Fees/Booking Card is proof of payment and includes dates of paid sessions. If you have any difficulties with payments, please inform us immediately.
● 60 minute sessions cost: £60.00 (block booking of four sessions) due every fourth session.
● 75 minute sessions cost: £80.00 (block booking of four sessions) due every fourth session.
● 90 minute sessions cost: £90.00 (block booking of four sessions) due every fourth session.
● 120 minute sessions cost: £120.00 (block booking of four sessions) due every fourth session
Payment is due on the fourth session of your current block booking one week ahead of your next block booking.
Payment is due on the FOURTH session of a block booking at the START of my child's lesson.
Full session times are shown above.
Sessions run every 15 minutes between our opening and closing times.
60, 75, 90 and 120 minute sessions are available across all locations.
Two subjects can be covered in 60 minute sessions for primary students. For secondary students, all sessions are a minimum of one hour per subject.
Science and maths (for secondary students) are currently limited to specific days and times (please ask at your centre).
All sessions bookings are in block bookings of four. Payment is always due on your fourth session, one week ahead of your next booking.
60 minute session cost: £60.00 (£15.00 per session)
75 minute session cost: £80.00 (£20.00 per session)
90 minute session cost: £90.00 (£22.50 per session)
120 minute session cost: £120.00 (£30.00 per session)
● £5.00 discount available for three siblings/or if your child attends three sessions per week.
● £10.00 discount available for four siblings/or if your child attends four sessions per week.
Cheshunt (Goffs Academy)
There is no internal access to the main building for parents/guardians.
Parents/guardians are not permitted to wait in the corridors (unless dropping/collecting your child). Due to fire safety regulations, they must be kept clear.
Please ensure your child arrives on time for their session; they may enter the school building and classroom once they arrive.
Romford (Marks Gate)
Parents/guardians may wait in the communal areas whilst their child/ren attends the session.
Learners must arrive on time for their session. Students should aim to arrive five minutes before the start of the session to avoid any delays. Students are required to sign in on arrival. Sessions are drop in and are subject to availability. If you would prefer for your child to attend at a specific time or day please make us aware during enrolment, we will do our utmost to accommodate your requirements and reserve your child’s place.
Students should aim to arrive five minutes before the start of the session to avoid any delays. It is in your child’s interest to arrive on time to ensure they receive the full session time.
Latecomers will be permitted to join the remainder of their session, however the session time will end at the normal time. Alternatively, your child may join the next session starting time (the next 15 minute slot).
If you are late collecting your child a charge of £15.00 (payable per 15 minutes) to cover the costs of childcare and staffing.
A Love2Shop gift card to the value of £5.00 will be awarded to students who have attended a full term of sessions (without missing sessions / completing catch up sessions). This will be presented during the last session of each term. This incentive runs throughout the year, students may claim the reward up to three times up to the value of £15.00. The incentive may be rolled over at the end of each term, provided attendance remains at 100%, rewards can be claimed at the end of two or three complete terms (£10.00 and £15.00). Alternatively, £5.00 rewards can be rolled over to the end of the year and total reward will be topped up to £20.00 (this option is only available if each reward is carried forward from the first term). This gift card may not be exchanged for money, an alternative gift card, or used to cover session costs.
A catch up must be completed within within a term if your child misses a session. It is your responsibility to arrange this with a member of staff. If your child does not attend a booked catch up session, this session will not be rebooked.
There are no refunds for missed sessions, your child must attend a catch-up session.
If your child is studying for two hours and is unable to add additional time to their session, a partial refund (£7.50 per hour) may be available depending on the situation.
The half term service in October, February and May is subject to student numbers (depending on location).
If you have informed us that your child will be attending during half term, the session will be chargeable, if your child misses the session, a catch up session must be booked.
The service runs in line with the school term dates. The service will be closed for Christmas, Easter and Bank Holidays.
If your child's session falls on a Bank Holiday, they will be required to attend on another day, or stay for catch up time over the following weeks.
Notice for missing half term sessions must be given one week prior (or earlier) and authorised in order for a pre-paid session to be carried forward.
If notice is not given the missed session must be booked as a catch up. Sessions running during half terms are subject to student numbers. If your child wishes to attend during half term and the session is cancelled less than 1 week before, the session will be carried over to the following week.
From time to time there will be school closures for various events, if your child's session falls on any these days, they will be required to attend on another day, or stay for catch up time over the following weeks.
We accept all methods of payment. A £2.50 administration fee is applicable for card transactions/payments.
If payment is late or paid in part, an automatic charge of £15.00 per week is applicable.
No refunds for missed sessions or early withdrawal.
One week’s notice must be given if you wish to withdraw your child. Catch up sessions must be completed within the term, no refunds will be issued. Please see the Fees section for more information about withdrawals before the end of the academic year.
One free session will be rewarded for every student referral (once the enrolment fee and four sessions must be paid). The date of the free session will be allocated to you by a member of staff. Please do not deduct this from your block booking fee unless confirmation is given.
The free session, must be taken within the term and will not be carried forward.
We recommend your child uses the facilities before commencing the session to avoid any disruption to themselves or others. If your child has medical/toilet needs (or is under five), it is compulsory that you remain on site (in the car park).
Due to safeguarding, staff will NOT be able to accompany your child to use the facilities.
You/learners are responsible for personal belongings. Private Tuition Specialists will not accept any responsibility for lost or damaged items.
Certificates are awarded on the last session of every term for effort and achievement.
If proof of attendance and/or progress is requested, an administration charge of £15 is applicable. Any such requests are subject to approval and at the discretion of management.
Diagnostic assessments (for dyslexia and dyspraxia) are available for an additional charge and are subject to availability. Please speak to a member of staff for further information.
Fees, services and promotional offers are subject to availability and may be changed or withdrawn (a minimum of two weeks’ advance notice will be provided). Fees will not be varied during a course or other service in progress.
We are committed to ensuring your child receives the best teaching support possible and that you, as a parent and/or carer receive a high standard of service. Meeting and exceeding expectations is extremely important to us. If you/your child/ren is/are not satisfied with the service, let us know and we’ll make it right.
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