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After a difficult year we have continued to find ways to help children catch up with their learning. Last month, Private Tuition Specialists ran a Doodle competition to encourage students to log into the award-winning Doodle Maths, Doodle English, Doodle Spell and Doodle Tables apps. Why? To help build confidence and accelerate learning alongside attending tuition.

How did we encourage students to log into Doodle?

The winner would receive a cinema gift card. What a great bribe it turned out to be! Our students Doodled even more than usual to earn a place at the top of the leaderboard. For weeks they Doodled in the morning, evening, and weekends. Many of the same children stayed in the top five for weeks, determined to take that all important number one spot.

After weeks and weeks of Doodling, the winner was announced, Alessio aged seven. What a fabulous achievement!

Alessio and his twin sister, Elina Doodled from each morning at 5:30am to clock in the Doodle stars! Alessio managed to accumulate a whopping 1,137 stars in Doodle Tables alone (in 28 days) compared to an average of around 300 stars. His sister Elina was in second place and with 769 stars in Doodle Tables.

Alessio could hardly wait for the announcement when he came in for his session. As he was declared the winner, he jumped out of his seat with excitement in a moment that could only be described as a crazy football fan watching their team score the winning goal! It all became a bit emotional when his sister hugged and congratulated him on his achievement. Mum was invited into the classroom to see the winning moment. Alessio ended the competition with an amazing 2,522 Doodle stars!

What did the winner have to say?

Later that evening, mum said:

“Alessio was so proud of himself, he went to bed with his Doodle certificate, he’s taking it to school tomorrow to show his teacher. Dad and I are so pleased with the huge progress both Elina and Alessio have made whilst attending Private Tuition Specialists, at Goffs Academy. They thoroughly enjoy the interactive learning using the Doodle apps, it enables them to also continue this fun learning at home”

Sandy, Managing Director said:

“This is what makes what we do so rewarding. Alessio’s determination to win was incredible, he kept saying, I hope I am here and not on holiday when I win. I loved his fighting spirit, it was never a question of him not winning, it was when! His sister Elina, she told me her mummy said even if Alessio wins, they are both winners! Aww!”

How the competition started

Alessio wasn’t the only winner! The initiative started during lockdown. Private Tuition Specialists continued to run the service online and at home for small groups of students. Sandy noticed the competitiveness between two year 6 students, Ervin and Rezarta. Sandy decided to run a competition for them to challenge them, the winner would receive a movie gift card. For weeks they continued to overtake each other on the leader board. When the results came in, Ervin was crowned the winner!

As Ervin and Rezarta enjoyed the challenge so much, we decided to run the competition for all the students. As it has proved to be so popular amongst our students, it will certainly become a regular fixture!



Sandy, said:

“I am particularly proud of Ervin I have seen a huge change in his attitude towards learning, especially English, we’ve gone from a frown to a smile every time I say English now, which is fantastic. Ervin’s confidence in his abilities as improved tremendously”

Ervin said:

“When I won the Doodle competition I felt a feeling of accomplishment, and I was very proud of myself and somewhat surprised. To keep me motivated I focused on the outcome of trying very hard. I have to thank Sandy for all the help and support she has given me.”

We asked mum for her thoughts:

“I appreciate all the amazing help Sandy and her team have given to Ervin. They have helped him develop in all aspects of learning and I have seen a massive change in his mindset and learning ability.”

What can you do to support your child outside of school?

Private Tuition Specialists, recommend children continue to support the tuition we offer outside of school by completing their homework, reading, practicing their spelling and of course logging in to Doodle daily. We are so proud of everyone who took part and have certainly noticed the difference it has made. It was a great way to encourage the children to log in, they found it fun and enjoyed checking their position on the leaderboard. We are restarting the competition, and our overall winner Alessio has said he is “going to let his sister win this time”. Good luck Elina and of course to everyone else! This time the winner can decide what they would like their £10.00 gift card to be!

We cannot recommend Doodle enough; it has helped to enhance our tuition service. Doodle staff are always on hand to help support, encourage and motivate us.


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